Alexander Kossiakof Lecture in Biophysics: Dr. Yuhai Tu, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Johns Hopkins University - Mudd Hall, Room 100Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics in Living Systems: The Energy Cost of Biological Functions
Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics in Living Systems: The Energy Cost of Biological Functions
Biophysics Department Seminar: Mechanisms of Cellular Membrane Shape Transitions, Tobias Baumgart, PhD
Biophysics Department Seminar: "DNA G-quadruplex: Structures, Function, and Protein Interactions"
Biophysics Department Seminar: "Spatio-temporal Dynamics of DNA in the Living Cell: Two Examples"
Biophysics Seminar: "Plug-and-Play” Multi-omics Tools for Probing RNA Spatial Biology at Subcellular Resolution"
Francis D. Carlson Lecture: "Biophysical Principles of Biomolecular Condensate Biogenesis and Functions"