Adip Jhaveri
I am fascinated with how proteins interact with their network of partners and assemble into functional machinery with precise spatial and temporal organization
Derin Tanrioven
I study interdomain dynamics of the chromatin remodeler Chd1 on the nucleosome using single molecule techniques.
Indrajit Badvaram
As a theorist, I am excited to be in the field of biophysics, as it provides a rich supply of experimental phenomena that benefit from a rigorous application of quantitative frameworks.
Iryna Chelepis
I am passionate about science and drawn towards underlying details of protein function and new high resolution single molecule techniques.
Lucas Shen
I’m an experimentalist who loves to see situations where theory can fully explain experimental findings, as it suggests that we’ve reached a fundamental principle of biophysics.
Richard Yang
I use polymer theory and coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations to understand the physical principles of phase separating biomolecular condensates.