We’re hiring a tenure-track Assistant Professor!

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The T.C. Jenkins Department of Biophysics, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the broad area of Molecular and Cellular Biophysics. We encourage applicants with experimental, theoretical, and/or computational approaches for understanding biomolecular physical chemistry, structure, function, and assembly. We seek faculty colleagues who have an established interest in promoting equity and inclusion among diverse scientists at any level.

Please submit all requested documents, described below, as separate PDFs through Interfolio.

1. Statement of Past Research Accomplishments (2 page limit, including figures, Evaluation Criteria)

Describe your most significant scientific accomplishments to date and explain why they were significant.

2. Statement of Future Research Plans (3 page limit, including figures, Evaluation Criteria)

Describe your goals and vision for your future research program in the Johns Hopkins biophysics environment and relevant details (experimental, theoretical, and/or computational) to demonstrate how you will achieve these goals. Describe experiences and qualifications that position you to achieve those goals, and how they will advance the frontier of knowledge.

3. Curriculum Vitae

Include your educational and training history, significant activities in research, education, and diversity service, honors and awards, presentations, and published and accepted papers. Preprints or papers under review will be considered if they have been deposited on BioRxiv or similar public preprint server.

  • We encourage applicants to add 2-3 sentences describing the achieved or anticipate) impact of each publication or preprint in the field.
  • Please use article-level (as opposed to journal-level) publication metrics, which better reflect the value of your publications to your field.

4. Statement of Contributions to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (500 words limit, Evaluation Criteria)

Describe your understanding of the inequities and challenges facing historically excluded and underrepresented groups in STEM and describe your past and future contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion through research, teaching, and service.

5. Teaching Statement (500 words limit, Evaluation Criteria)

Describe your approach to undergraduate and graduate teaching, and the subjects you would most like to teach.

6. Three confidential letters of reference submitted through Interfolio.

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