Brian Camley

Brian Camley

Assistant Professor

Contact Information

Research Interests: Cell motility, chemotaxis, collective motion, soft matter, and fluid mechanics in cell biology

Education: PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara

I have a joint appointment in physics & astronomy and biophysics. I work on the physics of cell biology, trying to understand how cells can respond to signals, crawl through complex environments, and work together to move and measure signals. I am also interested in the dynamics of subcellular processes like the cell membrane's motion and intracellular transport. These problems link the physics of soft, fluctuating materials to biological questions like how a white blood cell can find a wound. My group uses a wide range of computational and analytical methods to model organelles, cells, and tissues, ranging from stochastic hydrodynamics to phase field and reaction-diffusion modeling.
I received an undergraduate degree in Mathematics and Physics from the University of Colorado, Boulder in 2006. I then did graduate work in Physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where I was supported by the Fannie and John Hertz Foundation, receiving my PhD in 2012. My postdoctoral research was at the University of California, San Diego from 2012 until 2017.

View Brian Camley's profile on Google Scholar for a complete publications list.